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Giant Drafts/ Backgammon
Two timeless classic games together in this wooden, beautifully crafted and hand painted game.
It’s your choice if you play Drafts or Backgammon with this double sided game that looks great but is also great fun to play.
The game folds up for easy transport.
Dimensions: 110cms x 110cms Counters 8cms diameter.
What does the game include? 15 white and 15 red game counters. 2 wooden dice.
How to play
Drafts is played by two opponents, on opposite sides of the game board. One player has the red pieces; the other has the white pieces. Players alternate turns.
A move consists of moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent unoccupied square. If the adjacent square contains an opponent's piece, and the square immediately beyond it is vacant, the piece may be captured (and removed from the game) by jumping over it.
Only the dark squares of the checkerboard are used. A piece may move only diagonally into an unoccupied square.
The player without pieces remaining, or who cannot move due to being blocked, loses the game.
Backgammon To start, line up pieces as shown in the diagram. https://tinyurl.com/nx6u8ef4
White's pieces are moved counter-clockwise around the board to bear off out of his inner table. Black's pieces are moved clockwise around the board to bear off out of his inner table. Pieces are moved the number of points thrown on a pair of dice. Each number can be used by a separate piece or both can be used by one piece. If "doubles" are thrown, double the number of points can be moved.
When a player has two or more pieces on a point, the opponent's pieces cannot land on that point. They may, however, pass over it. This is called a "block." If a player can bring a piece to land on a point occupied by an opponent's piece, he takes the opposing piece and it is removed to the "bar." This piece must then be put into play before any other move is made by the player whose piece it is. It is put into play by entering its opponent's inner table on an open point whose number corresponds to the number on one or both dice. Pieces can be taken off only when all of a player's pieces are within his own inner table. Then a piece can be taken off whenever it is on a point whose number is thrown. If a number is thrown higher than the point on which any piece is left, the highest piece can be taken off. A piece must be moved forward if it is possible to move.
First player to remove all their pieces from the board is the winner.
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Did you know?
Ancient Egyptian checkerboards were found with their pieces in burial chambers, and the game was played by Queen Hatasu.
Backgammon is one of the oldest known board games in the world.
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