Can playing games support good mental health at work? Wellness Week 2022

Sam stands with a nurse behind two wooden games

Delivering games to Auckland City Hospital

This week we were delighted to support Shannon, the nurses, and all the support staff at Auckland City Hospital by providing some games for their Annual Wellness Week.

Wellness Week is held in association with Australian College for Emergency Medicine and the hope is that ‘planned activities will allow staff to reflect on what has been, and still is for many, a profoundly challenging time as we begin the journey to restore and recover.’

Shannon and her colleagues were keen to have some games that could be played in their short break times. On reflection Shannon shared with me that it was great to spend the break times interacting with other colleagues instead of being sat scrolling on their phones. It was a fun distraction from a busy and hectic week.

Did you know?

Playing games can have positive effects on your mental health in the workplace.

  • keeps you functional when under stress

  • encourages team work

  • increases energy and prevents burnout

  • triggers creativity and innovation

  • helps you see problems in new ways

We hope to provide games for more workplaces so if you need to bring any of the above qualities to your team, you might want to think about incorporating some games.

Nurse playing Quoits

With thanks to Shannon and her collegues for the pictures they have shared with us.


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